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Free automated speech chatbots

新闻 19/11/2018

Most technology enthusiasts currently believe in a future engrossed with artificial intelligence (AI). SnatchBot which has provided a platform that enhances conversational experiences, particularly belief that conversational artificial intelligence is an essential tool for all human activities. The company is looking at a future where people can always adjust their items such as cars and other equipment to act in a particular manner. This therefore explains why SnatchBot was able to add a text-to-speech feature that generates an audio file which users can actually hear. Of course, different languages and voices were added to the audio file and it’s left to the users to make a choice on which to use. To tell the truth, these types of features are wonderful and they have enormously enhanced the experience of chatbot users.

What is exciting is that SnatchBot has stepped up its game with free Automated Speech Recognition that is linked to chatbots. But first: we may need to go down memory lane in a bid to understand and truely appreciate how speech recognition is relevant in today’s world.

Well, it is evident that even though the interest in recognizing and sensitizing speech by human beings date as far back as hundreds of years ago, automatic Speech recognition (ASR) was built in the mid twentieth century. One of the earliest projects to this effect was the creation of a Digital Recognizer that was later named ‘Audrey’ by a group of researchers at Bell Laboratories. The invention of Audrey was actually a remarkable step because it could recognize spoken numerical digits merely by looking at audio finger prints that were commonly called formants.  Several other research works were carried, but there was more optimism in the early 1970’s thanks to the creation of many new automatic speech recognition systems, with the most successful being the Carnegie Mellon University’s Harpy  which could recognize just 1000 words by 1976. However, the 90’s introduced consumers to automatic speech recognition, which was in the form of the Dragon dictate. The Dragon Dictate as well as other automatic speech recognition tools also had their shortcomings thereby prompting more research. Nevertheless, with the invention of the chatbots, researchers have carried out feasibility studies and have asserted that it is very possible to inculcate free automated speech recognition into chatbots.